Tone Networks

You Can Go From Burnout to Balance

Written by Heather Sumperl | Mar 10, 2023 8:01:24 PM


As part of our commitment to Mental Health, TONE Networks has launched a new quarterly live coaching series: Your Mind at Work. To kick us off, Psychiatrist & Mental Health Expert, Dr. Gail Saltz addresses a mental health issue women are particularly susceptible to: Burnout. 

Women are [unfortunately] expected to do it all - often at the expense of their “me time.” And, with the lines between home and work blurred by a global pandemic, time-off has become somewhat of a commodity. 

The good news is, you can take action to remedy burnout before making rash decisions. Here are six ways to keep your emotional exhaustion in check: 

  1. Set Boundaries to Your Work Schedule: Where appropriate, consider having a conversation with your manager or HR head. Are there tasks better delegated to a colleague? Can you cut down on meetings?
  2. Check in With Yourself: We are often our own worst enemy when it comes to burnout. Ask yourself if you really need to do everything you have put on your plate. Is there anything that can come off your to-do list? 
  3. Plan Wellness Days: By taking care of yourself regularly, you are less likely to get to the point where you feel emotionally and physically exhausted. What do these days look like for you?
  4. Establish a Relaxation Routine: Whether it’s meditation, exercise or making sure you get enough sleep, turn your healthy habit into daily practice. 
  5. Start Saying No: You probably spend a lot of time doing things for others. If you feel like this dynamic could be contributing to feeling overwhelmed, it may be time to start saying no to certain personal engagements.
  6. Make a Gratitude List: You may have heard that gratitude is the best attitude - and there’s something to be said for that! Realistically, life and work have the potential to get overwhelming, but if you can keep it in perspective while identifying the things that bring you joy, you’ll find yourself in a better headspace.

Burnout is about losing control - sometimes you need to do less and other times you need to adjust your sails to do more of what you really love. The good news? Once you identify what is causing you to feel overwhelmed - or underwhelmed - you can work towards regaining your sense of balance.  

For more from Psychiatrist & Mental Health Expert, Dr. Gail Saltz, catch the session on-demand. 


Listen to the podcast: How Can I Help?


Join us for our next TONE Talk Speed Coaching session on Tuesday, March 28 at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT 

Ten Tips To Work Smarter, Not Harder with Paula Rizzo