Comcast Strives to Achieve DE&I Goals with TONE Networks


DE&I development is a critical piece of Comcast's strategy to increase the representation of women within their organization to 50% at all levels. Recognizing that diversifying their workplace alone is not enough, Comcast has focused their efforts to ensure the right tools are in place to support and develop inclusive leaders. 

TONE Networks is thrilled to help Comcast achieve their representation goals by providing women and allies from their Women's Network ERG (Employee Resource Group) with a continuous online mentoring and coaching platform designed to develop and empower female professionals who are short on time but high on ambition.

In celebration of their 3rd annual DE&I Day, Loren Hudson, Chief Diversity Officer of Comcast Cable, gives readers a look into her development strategy and shares how TONE Networks plays an integral role in supporting their initiatives by providing: 

  • A library of over 1,600+ on-demand videos
  • Livestream community coaching sessions
  • A vibrant online community

And, Comcast gathers valuable behavioral insights and employee sentiment from more than 800 hours of livestream coaching and videos watched. TONE also curates sessions and video playlists based on information from their employee surveys. Comcast also hosts "watch parties" so ERG members can view TONE's live coaching events together and discuss further in an "after show" which fosters community, connection and an increased sense of belonging and engagement.

Adding to their infrastructure, Comcast also offers employees continuous support through intentional hiring and recruitment practices, ERGs, a speaker series, DEI day, mentorship programs, and leadership training.

Read more to see how Comcast continues to build a diverse and inclusive culture -- leading the way for equity in the workplace.