Tone Networks

So, You're an ERG Leader...

Written by Heather Sumperl | Jul 26, 2023 4:00:00 AM


Are you an ERG leader investing your time and energy pioneering progress in DEI on top of your already demanding day job? You may not hear it enough, but we recognize and support your critical work.

Whether you are in charge of developing programming, or are just looking for creative ideas to engage your members, save this post for six ways to boost your ERG engagement.

Host In-Person Watch Parties

Gather a group to watch TONE’s live coaching events together. When in the office, this is a great opportunity for your women’s ERG members to meet in-person. Schedule extra time after the event to discuss the topic further and share reactions, experiences and solutions.

Lunch & Learns

Unable to bring your group together to catch TONE’s live streamed coaching events? You can replay any of TONE’s videos and events on-demand. Don’t forget to bring the snacks and a list of questions to get your group talking. 

Facilitate Roundtable Discussions

Roundtables are a great way to encourage collaboration and foster connection among peers. Share a video or two around a topic that matters to your group, explain why the topic is relevant and come prepared with prompts and questions to encourage discussion. 

Start a Video Book Club

To accommodate hybrid and remote participation, create a playlist of videos around a relevant topic, or simply select one video for those who are short on time. Next, share questions you want your participants to consider while watching these videos. And finally, schedule time to bring your group together to discuss.

Initiate a Mentoring Program

Mentoring circles don’t need to be complicated. First, gauge interest by determining who would like to participate as a mentor/mentee. Next, match the groups according to interest. Arm your mentors with a resource like TONE to initiate conversation around topics pertaining to personal and professional development. And finally, set expectations around the frequency of meetings. 

Stress Support with Microbreaks

In between meetings, show your peers you care and send them a micro-video to encourage them to take a break. Microbreaks are short breaks of 5-10 minutes that help break up routine and lead to better mental clarity. 

Need more help? TONE can support your women’s resource group with the following: 

We can work with you to create a package that fits your needs. Contact us, today!