Tone Networks

It’s Time to Fix the “Broken Rung”

Written by Monisha Longacre | Oct 24, 2022 6:33:33 PM


For the 8th consecutive year, “the broken rung remains broken” according to the latest LeanIn/McKinsey Women in the Workplace Report (2022). This workplace analogy describes the inequitable experience women face climbing the corporate ladder as compared to their male counterparts. This year's findings show that for every 100 men promoted, only 87 women are promoted into a managerial position. What’s more (or less), only 82 women of color are promoted - some groups even less!  

It’s basic math. If we don’t retain more women early in their careers, and give them equal opportunity, we will never be able to achieve comparable gender representation in senior leadership positions. And, we still have a long way to go since only 26% of C-suite positions are currently held by women. Even though this percentage has increased over the past 5 years, at this rate it’ll take almost 25 years to get to equal representation in the C-suite.

While many programs and budgets are focused on developing and retaining high-potential female managers and leaders, what are companies doing specifically to address the broken rung for aspiring leaders?  

According to the report, while career advancement opportunities are critically important to young women, “women under 30 are [also] increasingly ambitious, and they place a higher premium on working in a flexible, fair, and inclusive workplace” that’s committed to employee well-being. However, career success and work-life well-being don’t have to be mutually exclusive, and employers have the technology at their fingertips to positively impact the personal and professional development of their underserved women.

TONE Networks is a turnkey enterprise platform designed to help companies grow, connect and retain early to mid-level female employees at scale through carefully curated video content from credentialed experts that is personalized for each individual and customized for each company.  

TONE is:

  • Inclusive: For all early to mid-career women, not just select high-potential managers
  • Accessible: Virtual solution providing access to everyone from anywhere 24/7
  • Digestible: Over 1,800 bite-sized, on-demand videos for self-paced learning
  • Holistic: Addressing topics from advancement to well-being to finding balance
  • Diverse: Over 50% of TONE’s credentialed experts are people of color

If your company is still struggling to improve female representation, take a closer look at the bottom of your pipeline.

  • How many women are leaving before they even get promoted?
  • What are you doing to develop, support and include them?
  • What can you do to repair the broken rung and start to shift this trend? 

We’re here, ready to help and committed to making an impact -- just hear what others have to say about us!