Are you overwhelmed by your workload or everything that life throws at you? Do you struggle with indecision, productivity paralysis or poor time management?
You CAN get organized, prioritize your time and maintain a healthy work-life balance!
This week, Productivity Expert, Paula Rizzo shared how she uses lists to be more productive, less forgetful and manage stress levels.
If you’re anything like us, you’re a list maker. But, did you know that your lists may actually be counterproductive? Don’t fall into the busyness trap by writing long to-do lists of unrealistic tasks – this is a set up for failure. Try to break your lists up into manageable 30-minute chunks, you’ll be amazed at how good you feel as you start ticking things off.
Also, you may notice that we talk about lists… and not a singular to-do list. You should have multiple different lists that serve different purposes:
You may be thinking that’s a lot of lists to keep track of, but don’t fret, these days there are a plethora of apps and programs that can help you stay organized.
Get In Your Zone
Think about how you work best. Do you need to be heads down in complete silence or can you get things done while listening to your favorite podcast (may we suggest Have You Had This Conversation)? The next time you find yourself particularly productive, take note of the conditions that made this possible.
Find an Accountability Partner
Sometimes we need a little tough love to kick ourselves into gear. And oftentimes, knowing that someone else will be checking-in is motivation enough to stay on track.
At work, an accountability partner can help reinforce your goals and drive you to meet, or beat, those deadlines. You will find the best accountability partner shares similar visions and goals and can easily recognize where you may be straying off track – this may, or may not be, your work BFF.
To catch the rest of Paula’s productivity tips, tune in on-demand to watch our quick 30-minute speed coaching event.
Download your FREE List Making Starter Kit
Read: Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You
Buy: Listful Thinking: Using Lists to Be More Productive, Successful and Less Stressed
Learn and Engage with Paula Rizzo: LinkedIn Learning Courses