You Can't Change What You Don't Know: Tips to Maximize Feedback


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In our first ever Speed Coaching session providing 10 tips in 30 minutes, Leadership Strategist and Empowerment Coach Marsha Haygood shared her top tips for how to ask for, receive and give feedback when you want to correct your course, focus your productivity and achieve your career goals.

  1.  Prepare in advance for the conversation
  2.  Be direct, and respectful, not defensive
  3.  Focus on issues, not the person
  4.  Be aware of intent versus impact
  5.  Discuss expectations and give examples as needed


To catch the rest of her tips, tune in on-demand to watch our quick 30-minute speed coaching event, Ten Ways to Maximize Feedback.

And, don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next TONE Talk on Friday, March 10 at 1 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT From Burnout To Balance:  Reclaim Your Life! with Dr. Gail Saltz and Ashley Sandberg.


Watch more TONE videos from Leadership Strategist and Empowerment Coach Marsha Haygood

Read: The Little Black Book of Success: Laws of Leadership for Black Women

Connect with Marsha Haygood on LinkedIn or Instagram