Tone Networks

Ten Tips to Master Delegation

Written by Heather Sumperl | Jan 23, 2024 6:11:13 PM

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done? You’re not alone.

We asked our members if they found delegating at home and work to be challenging and a resounding 70% reported the answer to be yes! 

One of the biggest misconceptions about delegating tasks is the fear of pushing responsibilities off onto someone else who might not do it as well as we would have done it. To maximize your time, try to think of it differently:

Delegation is: 

  • A skill of prioritization
  • A way for you to do more valuable work while giving someone else the opportunity to take on more responsibility
  • Splitting tasks among different people and perspectives - resulting in a higher quality of work.

Founder and CEO of Delegate Solutions, Emily Morgan, shares her ten tips to help you focus on your priorities, lead and let go and master the art of delegation. 

  1. Know where you want to spend your freed up time and make a case for it
  2. Set goals
  3. Always delegate the end result
  4. Keep the lines of communication open
  5. Get familiar with feedback
  6. Start small to build confidence
  7. Compartmentalize larger activities
  8. Get comfortable with 80%
  9. Commit to the boring stuff
  10. Set expectations, accountabilities and share your WHY

Missed the livestream event? For more from Emily Morgan, catch the session on-demand. 


Read:  Let It Go!: How to (Finally) Master Delegation & Scale Freedom Across Your Organization

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